Colombia FUDAM
Colombia FUDAM
We Taste - Dark chocolate, clementine, luscious
Starting with just seven members, FUDAM Association of Nariño, Colombia has grown tremendously around the ideals of quality, the environment, and sustainable growth. The now 300 members work together to organically grow an incredibly sweet, juicy, high-elevation coffee that features deep, satisfying flavors. Medium roast development highlights the hard work of the La Uniòn community and their washed coffee's bright sweetness - ideal for all brewing and "normale" espresso pulls.
Roast: Medium
Process: Washed
Variety: Castillo + Colombia var.
Elevation: 1600 - 2100 masl
Location: La Union, Nariño Department, Colombia
Producer: FUDAM Association (Fundación Agraria y Ambiental Para el Desarrollo Sostentible)
Farm: 300 members
Exporter: Banexport
Grades / Certifications: Fairtrade Organic (FTO), Rainforest Alliance
Harvest: May - September 2024
Brew Guides
Espresso: 1:2.0 in 26-28 sec.
Filter: 1:16.5